Health & Safety at Dimension.
At Dimension, we also define H&S as “Home Safe”, and this is the primary driver in our thinking about health and safety systems, to ensure all our people get home safely every day.
It is a fundamental requirement that the organisation will take, so far as is reasonably practicable, steps to eliminate or minimise hazards and risks in the workplace and that the health and safety of all workers be treated equally to other operational requirements in the running of the business.
We consult with and encourage the full participation of all workers in all aspects of implementing and continuously improving our health and safety system and performance.
Dimension has a comprehensive H&S program which covers all aspects of H&S Management, including:
1. Organisation commitment to safety management
2. Planning, review, and evaluation
3. Hazard identification and risk assessment and management
4. Information, training, and supervision
5. Injury, illness, and incident reporting, recording and investigation
6. Worker participation in H&S management
7. Emergency planning and readiness
8. Protection of workers from on-site work undertaken by contractors
Our H&S policy is reviewed annually or as required from time to time due to legislative changes, industry recommendations and any local body regulation changes.
It is in the best interest of our leadership team and all staff to ensure we create a safe environment in which to conduct work everyday within our office hub, factory, logistics, warehousing and on all sites.